Health Equity Coalition  

Health Equity Coalition

2021 action plan

HEC 2021 meeting dates click here


Would you like to share information in the HEC in the monthly Newsletter? 

Health Equity videos and talking tools

HEC Budget how we spend money and where we could use fiscal support

HEC Professional Development Workgroup and projects

HEC Infrastructure Workgroup and internal governance projects

HEC Community Engagement and Outreach Workgroup and projects

Interested in joining the Coalition? Please e-mail [email protected]

The Health Equity Coalition was founded to help advance community centered work, equity in systems and advancement of equitable learning and practices within in the public health field. The Coalition started in 2017 is comprised of all interested individuals regardless of profession, CPHA membership standing or other. The key element of membership within the Coalition is passion for equity and a desire to work together to build a shared space. Today, four years into the Coalitions establishment, we have come along way in structuring ourselves intentionally, engaging in and creating equitable offerings for the community and advising CPHA at large on implementing equitable strategies and Anti-racist work.

What we stand for: The Coalition stands for justice. We stand for creating processes of governance that work for and with all people. We aim to continually and deliberately evolve in equitable practices. We are committed to and recognizing, naming repairing and re-designing the systems we operate in because we know that their origins are tied to supremacy. 

How we accomplish our work: The Coalition at large meets every other month (first Tuesday from 5:30pm-7:00pm) to discuss new opportunities, status updates of projects in motion and to connect as an equity centered community. The Coalition has three workgroups and coordinators that drive forward specific work. The workgroups and the coordinators operate independently between at large meetings to accomplish work and initiatives associated to their respective areas of interest. The leadership group meets bi-weekly to connect on the advancement of equity work in the Coalition and also meets once a month with the CPHA board to learn and contribute to initiatives happening within the Association.

Get Engaged: There are several ways to get engaged in the Coalition. Begin by filling out THIS form which will help us get you connected with your preferences in mind.

Donate Today: We welcome your financial support to continue to advance community centered health equity work, equity in system and advancement of equitable learning.