Submit An Application For RIHEL

The Regional Institute for Health and Environmental Leadership is now accepting applications for:  

The Advanced Leadership Training Program

RIHEL is now accepting applications to the Advanced Leadership Training Program (ALTP) class of 2018.  This unique year-long program provides you with high quality advanced training that will expand your leadership skills and capacity, and enhance your professional network.  But don’t take just our word for it, see what our graduates have to say:

 “RIHEL allowed me to see myself and my potential for leading in much bigger ways than I would have realized on my own.  I gained tremendous confidence in my own ability to lead, and since completing my RIHEL program, I have sought out and been granted leadership positions at the state and national level.”

 “RIHEL is such a rich opportunity of dedicated time for trying so many [leadership] skills and strategies.”

 “The time for ‘bonding’ with classmates/colleagues has had a tremendous impact on my leadership abilities and willingness to lead.”

 “All the instructors are fabulous - intelligent, informed, well spoken, humorous, well done!”

 “This has been the absolute best professional development experience of my career.  Thank you!”

 Get more details and start your application today.  Deadline for submissions is April 30th.