Social Media Challenge: Why should Public Health Prevention Funding matter to YOU?

Congress reconvenes this week to begin work on repealing the Affordable Care Act, which would threaten to eliminate the Prevention and Public Health Fund. PPHF funding is used to enhance community-based preventive health programs at the local level and help prevent and respond to infectious-disease outbreaks. Learn more about how this fund affects your community.

We would like to capture stories from our members about the importance of public health programs in our communities. Please submit a photo by tagging CPHA’s Facebook page and/or Instagram @ColoradoPublicHealth with a brief explanation of the photo using the hashtag with #KeepPPHF using the following prompt: "Prevention and public health are important to my community because..."

We will compile all pictures and stories received by the end of the day on Thursday, January 5 and share them with APHA and our congressional delegates. 3 talented winners will be chosen to receive a free year of CPHA membership. Winners will be announced Monday, January 9. If you have any questions or would like to get involved with future public health policy issues, please email us at [email protected].