CPHA and APHA Recognize Outstanding Nonprofit Metro Denver Homeless Initiative

Over the past year, CPHA worked closely with the American Public Health Association to identify a deserving nonprofit organization here in Denver to receive donations from individuals as they registered for the 2017 APHA Annual Meeting. (By the way, a whopping 12,000 attendees showed up to the Colorado Convention Center for the conference this year!) With so many deserving nonprofits, the process to identify just one beneficiary was a long – and very tough – one.

Ultimately, we selected the Metro Denver Homeless Initiative (MDHI). Thanks to the selfless contributions from public health champions of all walks of life, a grand total of $12,665 was raised! These dollars will go toward helping MDHI in their efforts to implement a comprehensive homeless housing and service system in the seven-county metropolitan region surrounding Denver. CPHA applauds and thanks all of our members and the conference attendees that chipped in. We recognize the incredible impact that poverty, availability of affordable and supportive housing, and other social determinants have on the health of our communities. It is such a privilege to be able to invest in these issues and help one of our partners in their great work.

There is a tremendous ripple effect to collaboration. Just as CPHA has many outstanding organizational and coalition members, so too does MDHI work through 30+ of its own partners to achieve its mission. The more we work together, the more the ripples expand and cross. We look forward to bringing even more organizations and individuals into the CPHA family over the coming year – we are growing and our impact is being felt!