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CPHA Pulse Check
Monday, June 06, 2022, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM MDT
Category: CPHA Webinar

June Pulse Check

When: June 6th, 2022 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 PM MT
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free to All


In response to recent maneuvers underway to dismantle reproductive rights for women and the mass murders in predominantly BIPOC communities across the nation. We agreed that organizational statements are important as they serve as a record of an official position or reaction to a notable public policy or event, and can help foster a sense of solidarity amongst members. However, in this moment, yet another formal statement calling for more sensible gun legislation or equitable access to abortions, feels somehow feeble in the face of white supremacy, patriarchy, and Hate. There is no combination of words that could alleviate our collective pain, let alone adequately address what we are up against. So instead of a formal one-way communication, we would like to have a conversation on June 6th. Beyond hearing from us, we want to hear from you, about how you are feeling and coping in these perilous times, and what you might need from us.

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