CPHA Policy Priorities

CPHA 2016 Policy Priorities

CPHA’s members engage with Colorado’s policy makers to promote and achieve CPHA’s policy priorities. These priorities were created to foster the health and welfare of all Coloradans.

Support Healthy Eating and Active Living

Over half of adult Coloradans are overweight or obese. Colorado’s childhood obesity rate is rising at the 2nd fastest rate in the nation. CPHA is dedicated to policies, programs, and funding efforts that support healthy, active lifestyles. This includes enhancing community infrastructure, improving access to affordable and healthy food, and increasing opportunities for people to be physically active.

Improve Access to Comprehensive Healthcare

More Coloradans have health coverage than ever before. Even so, there are still individuals who remain uninsured or are underinsured. We support efforts to guarantee that no one slips through the cracks, and to ensure that costs do not serve as a barrier to seeking out and receiving care. Coverage alone is not enough. We also support efforts to connect all Coloradans to high quality, community-centered health services that produce better outcomes for individuals, improve population health, and reduce the overall costs of healthcare.

Mental Health is Health

We support efforts that improve access to integrated healthcare that brings together physical health with mental health and substance use disorder services. Integrated care should emphasize prevention, screening, and early intervention that keeps people healthy in their own communities. We also support the expansion of mental health and substance use education and training programs for professionals, as well as every day Coloradans.

Eliminate Health Disparities

An individual’s race, ethnicity, gender, language, sexual orientation, income and education level all have an impact on their health. We support efforts that examine these differences and policies that create greater equality for all.